Signal Your Intent

Accidents associated with failure to use a turn signal are over twice
Each year 2 million accidents are due to the failure to use turn signals

Auto risk mitigation organization “SafetyFirst,” noticed some important statistics from its database of calls into its hotline. They discovered that a significant percentage of its calls involved drivers who did not use their turn signals. That issue was significant, especially since nearly half of their complaints involved:

  • Improper Lane Change;
  • Failure to Use Signals
  • Failing to Yield Right of Way
  • Weaving in Traffic
  • Failure to Stay in Lane;
  • and Improper Passing

A common trait in all of these behaviors is that they significantly increase the likelihood of an accident.

There are several trends that are occurring simultaneously on U.S. Roads. One, we’re driving faster, two there are more vehicles, we’re driving more frequently and a significant portion of drivers (Baby Boomers) are becoming senior operators with age-related, diminished driving skills.

In light of these trends, does it make sense that many drivers either forget to or refuse to use turn signals?

Drivers do themselves and others a tremendous favor by signaling their intent. Much of our driving activity depends on being able to rely upon and anticipate what is being done by other drivers. Signaling consistently and appropriately allows others to adjust their actions in order to reduce the chance of accidents and to maintain traffic flow.

Help yourself, help others. Whenever you are about to do something that can be indicated by a turn signal……signal your intent!

COPYRIGHT: Insurance Publishing Plus, Inc. 2015

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